We’re happy to announce the Beta 20 and chat-widget 2.2 release today, which comes with loads of new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Widget extensions
We’re splitting the widget into multiple extension that can be enabled/disabled. So far the only available extension is Box, which acts as a box wrapper for the chat-widget.
Chat settings
For every created widget you can enable/disable offline messages from the chat panel (Setup -> Widgets -> Select a widget -> Chat). Until now this option was in the Box section.
Email notifications
Now you can enable/disable email notifications for news information. To do this you can go to My Account -> Email notifications
If you want to know more about changes in this version, you might want to have a look at the full change log:
- * Position panel: fix for negative value
- * Settings panel – show only sound
- * Update widget status button
- * Operator panel : hide stats and widgets menu
- * Connection: handle errors properly when client internet connection is down
- * Split widget into multiple extensions
- * Offline messages moved to Chat section
- *News Letter
Chat-widget 2.2
Starting this version we’re introducing api methods for extensions. Something like this:
Full change log:
- * Introducing api methods fo extensions
- * Hide widget when the connection is lost with the server
- * Update to Box 1.1
- * Based on jquery 1.9.1
As always, we’d love to hear from you about your experiences with this release. You can contact us in a variety of ways:
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hubtalk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/HubTalkOnline
G+: https://plus.google.com/102033128077744230685/posts