Operators update: xmpp , alias and ability to remove avatar

Hello. We’re happy to announce the release of a new patch with major focus on operators settings.

XMPP / Jabber protocol for all operators

In December last year, we introduced the possibility to chat with your visitors from your mobile phone using the xmpp/jabber protocol. This feature was available only for the first operator in your account.
With this update, we enable the protocol for the rest of the operators.
To get the login information, all you need to do is go to Setup -> Operators -> [Select Operator] -> XMPP .


For more information about how to use HubTalk on your mobile phone (iPhone or Android) visit this page: HubTalk for mobile phones

Operator’s Alias

Last week we introduced Prestashop module v2.0 with the possibility to provide your customers with a chat widget based on their language choice and also assign different support operator’s based on that language.
Now we take things one step further with operators alias, allowing you to customize each operator’s name and tag line to be different for each language they provide support for.


All the configurations can be done from Setup -> Operators -> [ Select operator ] -> Alias

operator alias config

Remove operator’s avatar

Until now, you could only add an image to your operator or replace the existing one, but you could not remove the current image and return to the default one. Not any more. All you need to do is go to Setup -> Operators -> [ Select operator ] -> Avatar and press the “Remove image” button.


As always we’d love to hear from you. Feedback is always welcomed:

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