We’d like to introduce you some new useful features we just added to our service.
New message notifications
Missing a conversations is always frustrating. Sound notifications are good, but not enough. Now you have the possibility to be visually notified every time an user is sending you a message,even if you’re browsing on other websites.
In case you haven’t enabled web notifications, a red bar will appear at the bottom of your dashboard. Click the enable button to enable notifications.
Notifications will appear in bottom right corner of your screen, like this:
Clicking on a notification will automatically send you to the conversation panel.
Dashboard via SSL
We finally fixed the bug , and now you can log into dashboard using a secure connection. For the moment both http and https sites work, but in the following weeks will migrate towards the secure connections.
Also don’t forget to share your experience with us:
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hubtalk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/HubTalkOnline
G+: https://plus.google.com/+Hubtalk